Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Is the grass really greener on the other side?

We have all heard it before, "the grass is always greener....", but I would actually like to verify that.  Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be an actor?  An athlete?  A CEO?  I have, and I bet they have all wondered at one time or another what it would be like to be normal.

I see the fame and fortune and think, man, it sure would be nice to have their money.  I could pay off debt, buy the BMW I want, travel the world, or pay off our house and move.  To a degree, I would be right, I could, but what I'm sure I don't quite realize is that although their money and influence could solve my daily issues, it would open up a whole bunch of new issues that I wouldn't be ready for...but I would like to try.

Having what can be called a normal life, could for some mean a boring life.  Now I get that life is what I make it, and for the most part, I haven't done too bad; a great marriage to my beautiful wife, a great career, 2 nice cars, 2 great dogs, and a great house.  But what I haven't done is make life spontaneous and exciting, at least not yet.  We eat at the same places, shop at the same stores, and do the same things each and every week.  Go to work, come home, eat dinner, watch tv, go to bed.  Repeat.  What is missing from our lives, is the big time parties we read about in magazines, the movie premieres, the dinners at fine dining restaurants, the trips to different places all over the world, or seats in the luxury suites at the Super Bowl.  In short, I want to experience the type of life that, has so far been unattainable.  I want to be able to meet some famous people and athletes at fund raisers and have them actually remember me 5 minutes after I leave.  My goals are clear, I can see very clearly what I want to do.  The hard part is how do I do it?  

I am not looking for any get rich quick scheme to pay for some lavish lifestyle, but rather a break from the routine that we feel stuck in.  During Comic Con in July, I felt that I had some incredible experiences, but it left me wanting more.  I also realized that in order to have those cool things happen, I had to step outside my comfort zone and make them happen.  Now I won't take all the credit, luck played a part as well, but I still had to make the move or ask the question that others were afraid to.  The trick is how to continue doing that each and every day.

I know for some, routine is good, they prefer it, they love it, and that's terrific, for them.  They might argue with me that what I have should be enough and that I should be happy with what has been provided for me.  I disagree, if we stay content with what we have, how do we ever expect to get better at anything.  I am very thankful for what I have so far, but I want to improve and break free of the routine.  Just know, that I am constantly working to do just that and once I succeed, I will let you know if the grass is truly greener or not.