So I have been slacking on this blog lately as life has gotten in my way, but I'm here to complete the story on the UFC trifecta at San Diego Comic Con. I have already told you about Brandon Vera and of course Randy, but before I met either of them, it was all about Jens Pulver. Comic Con has gotten so big that it can't even be contained in the San Diego Convention Center. So much so, that alot spills out into the Gaslamp Quarter. While walking back from meeting big time Hollywood director Robert Rodriguez in a taco truck (yep you read that right), I noticed a sign outside a quaint restaurant that Pulver would be there later in the afternoon.
I walked back up later and saw Jens standing outside talking to 1 person, so as I approached to "wait in line", he turns to me and hands me his UFC Lightweight Championship Belt. My first thought was this was the greatest giveaway ever and I couldn't wait to brag to everyone about how I have his belt, cause I took it from him. "So, your just giving it to me just like that?" I asked. He laughed and I gave him the same opening I would use on Vera later that day. "Dude you always make exciting fights and my wife and I really enjoy watching you perform out there. When are you fighting again?" "Next weekend actually here in San Diego." he responded. Still admiring the belt, I commented on how heavy it really is and that Forrest wasn't kidding when he said it was too heavy for him. He smiled and said "you know, I can't even get it to stay on my waist, so I always have it over my shoulder." What happened next is one of the many reasons I do not compete in the UFC. I went to throw that boulder over my shoulder and it just slipped right off....twice. Now either I have very slippery shirts and the belt was greased, or I just had no damn clue how to hold it in a cool way. Frankly I have decided it had to be the first one.
"So, I've heard that you get a new belt for every title win or defense, is that true?" I asked. "It used to be, I have 4 of these, but I heard they aren't doing that anymore, but I'm not too sure" he said. "So then, if you have 4, you won't miss this one right and your ok if I take it?" Now Jens is a cool guy and rolled with it where some others after having given their blood, sweat, and tears for a belt, would probably have considered that a challenge, and started trying to get me in a Kimura. "Well how about an autographed picture instead?" he smiled. "I'd give you a shirt but I ran out 20 minutes ago, but come back tomorrow and I will get you hooked up with one" he countered. I decided to take his generous offer and had him sign a picture for MeL, cause she is a really big fan of Jens. He was cool enough to give me one too.
Sadly, I didn't make it back the next day cause I was busy meeting the Fringe cast, but still it was good to meet him and get a picture where I finally got that belt to stay on my stupid shoulder.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
5 minutes with Brandon Vera
In my previous post, I told you about my Friday at San Diego Comic Con and promised more on Brandon Vera and Jens Pulver. Just to level-set, I met Randy about 20 minutes before Brandon, so honestly it didn't matter what Brandon was like as I was already in a great mood. Turns out, he's really cool and enhanced my day even more.
First off, I need to thank Twitter for allowing this meeting to happen. If your on Twitter, then you already know how cool it can be to interact with celebrities and athletes. You can also follow me @Dragn73 if you'd like. If your not on Twitter then shame on you, it's alot of fun and can be addicting. Ok, enough of the shameless plug.
While I was waiting for Randy to leave his signing booth, I checked Twitter as I always do and noticed that Brandon had tweeted that he would be at Con, the times he would be there, and the booth. Awesome, so I headed down to say hi...I mean how many of these folks at Comic Con would not only know who Brandon Vera was, but also have checked Twitter at that exact same moment to get his location? The answer to that is about 7. There were not very many people in line to meet him, but whenever any type of crowd stops walking at Con, it inevitably makes alot of others stop to see who everyone is looking at. Turns out he was there helping out a buddy of his who writes his own comic and is currently using Brandon as a character reference.
While waiting, I was thinking about what I would ask him. I had so many fight related questions that are different from the general "your such a badass in the cage" comments that I imagine these guys hear so often, that I wanted to maximize my chance. Turns out, we just talked, like we had known each other for years, that's how down to Earth he was much cooler than any of the questions I had intended. The one common thought that all MMA fighters seem to have aside from winning, is putting on a good fight, win or lose, and being entertaining for the fans, so I opened with that. "You always put on exciting fights and are never a one dimensional fighter, my wife and I really enjoy your fights." I did it, I made it past the first barrier, where these guys always get into a script routine meeting so many people saying the same thing. So I continued, "you were mowing through the heavyweight division, and when you dropped down, we knew you would mow through that one too, but 205 may be the toughest division in the UFC. There are alot of really tough guys there which have given you some really tough fights. Just goes to show the level of competition the UFC really has." He relaxed a bit more, nodded, and then we chatted about some of those tough guys he has faced and when he will be fighting again. (Not soon enough as he was injured in his last fight with Jon "Bones" Jones.)
I then told him how he completed my UFC trifecta for the day, in which he then asked who else I met. When I told him Jens and Randy, his eyes got big, and he said " Really, Randy's here? Where?" I could appreciate his excitement and it was nice to see that even other fighters are fans of Randy too. "He just left, he was here for an Expendable signing a few minutes ago." I told him. I could see he was bummed, and told him this turned into a UFC Expo for me. He laughed and told me how awesome those expos were and that if I hadn't been to one, I really should go when I get a chance. "You know, those expos are great, but I have to admit, I was kind of a dick during the last one." he said. "How so?" I asked. "Well, it's great meeting real fans like yourself, but sometimes people don't understand that I'm a fan too. At the last expo, I took pictures and signed autographs for a long time, but then I wanted to meet some of these guys too." he smiled. "So I took my camera and started walking around, cause I wanted to get a picture with GSP, Machida, and Randy, you know? People were coming up to me asking me for pics, and I was like "nope, sorry gotta go." So I was kind of an ass, but at the same time, I got some cool pics." he laughed. "So I need to apologize to my fans for that, and hope they understand." "Well, Brandon, I accept your apology on behalf of your fans, I'd want to do that as well, at least your honest about it." Fortunately he could see the humor in my comment, and laughed.
And that was the wrap, others were waiting to talk with him, but it genuinely felt like we could just talk all day, at least until he found out that Rampage might be around anyway. It was a great few minutes with a really cool guy. I walked away an even bigger fan of "The Truth."
First off, I need to thank Twitter for allowing this meeting to happen. If your on Twitter, then you already know how cool it can be to interact with celebrities and athletes. You can also follow me @Dragn73 if you'd like. If your not on Twitter then shame on you, it's alot of fun and can be addicting. Ok, enough of the shameless plug.
While I was waiting for Randy to leave his signing booth, I checked Twitter as I always do and noticed that Brandon had tweeted that he would be at Con, the times he would be there, and the booth. Awesome, so I headed down to say hi...I mean how many of these folks at Comic Con would not only know who Brandon Vera was, but also have checked Twitter at that exact same moment to get his location? The answer to that is about 7. There were not very many people in line to meet him, but whenever any type of crowd stops walking at Con, it inevitably makes alot of others stop to see who everyone is looking at. Turns out he was there helping out a buddy of his who writes his own comic and is currently using Brandon as a character reference.
While waiting, I was thinking about what I would ask him. I had so many fight related questions that are different from the general "your such a badass in the cage" comments that I imagine these guys hear so often, that I wanted to maximize my chance. Turns out, we just talked, like we had known each other for years, that's how down to Earth he was much cooler than any of the questions I had intended. The one common thought that all MMA fighters seem to have aside from winning, is putting on a good fight, win or lose, and being entertaining for the fans, so I opened with that. "You always put on exciting fights and are never a one dimensional fighter, my wife and I really enjoy your fights." I did it, I made it past the first barrier, where these guys always get into a script routine meeting so many people saying the same thing. So I continued, "you were mowing through the heavyweight division, and when you dropped down, we knew you would mow through that one too, but 205 may be the toughest division in the UFC. There are alot of really tough guys there which have given you some really tough fights. Just goes to show the level of competition the UFC really has." He relaxed a bit more, nodded, and then we chatted about some of those tough guys he has faced and when he will be fighting again. (Not soon enough as he was injured in his last fight with Jon "Bones" Jones.)
I then told him how he completed my UFC trifecta for the day, in which he then asked who else I met. When I told him Jens and Randy, his eyes got big, and he said " Really, Randy's here? Where?" I could appreciate his excitement and it was nice to see that even other fighters are fans of Randy too. "He just left, he was here for an Expendable signing a few minutes ago." I told him. I could see he was bummed, and told him this turned into a UFC Expo for me. He laughed and told me how awesome those expos were and that if I hadn't been to one, I really should go when I get a chance. "You know, those expos are great, but I have to admit, I was kind of a dick during the last one." he said. "How so?" I asked. "Well, it's great meeting real fans like yourself, but sometimes people don't understand that I'm a fan too. At the last expo, I took pictures and signed autographs for a long time, but then I wanted to meet some of these guys too." he smiled. "So I took my camera and started walking around, cause I wanted to get a picture with GSP, Machida, and Randy, you know? People were coming up to me asking me for pics, and I was like "nope, sorry gotta go." So I was kind of an ass, but at the same time, I got some cool pics." he laughed. "So I need to apologize to my fans for that, and hope they understand." "Well, Brandon, I accept your apology on behalf of your fans, I'd want to do that as well, at least your honest about it." Fortunately he could see the humor in my comment, and laughed.
And that was the wrap, others were waiting to talk with him, but it genuinely felt like we could just talk all day, at least until he found out that Rampage might be around anyway. It was a great few minutes with a really cool guy. I walked away an even bigger fan of "The Truth."
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
UFC Day at San Diego Comic Con 2010
2010 was my 4th visit in 5 years to Comic Con and by all accounts, I now feel that my buddy Rad and I are hardened veterans of the scene. If you have been to any type of convention ever, you might think you have an idea of what it's like, but unless you've been to SDCC, believe me, you have no idea. It's 120,000+ people of all types herding through the convention center in search of that golden ticket. There are so many things to see and do at Con, that you will never see or do them all, sorry but thats just fact.
I would say that as each trip has provided some awesome experiences and chances to meet some very cool people, this year would rank as the best ever for me at Con. At first, this year looked like it was going to be another tough one as we missed seeing the Tron panel after waiting for a few hours on Thursday. There isn't any way I could put it in perspective as this room holds 6000 people, but metaphorically speaking, we were within 2 yards of the goal line, when time ran out and the ref blew the play dead. One word.... devastated. To get that close to the biggest panel room was just like a kick in the crotch after going 5 full founds. Ouch Town, population us.
Thankfully, that wasn't the theme of this trip and luck showed up late on Friday when Comic Con turned into UFC Con for me. Among other very cool things that happened, the highlight of the day was meeting Jens Pulver, Brandon Vera, and Randy Couture. More on Jens and Brandon in later posts, as this day was defined as Randy day. For those who don't know, Randy is one of my all time favs and this was his 2nd year at Con. Last time was to promote Scorpion King and I had no chance to meet him then. This time was for The Expendables (which I am super excited for by the way). There was a huge panel for the movie on Thursday that we missed that included the entire cast including Stallone and a surprise appearance by Bruce Willis, but on Friday there was a line to meet a few of the guys and get autographs. Only 3 were supposed to show, Terry Crews, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and The Natural. We got there early and right when the doors opened we ran to the booth and got in line. They told us 100 tickets would be given out and we would be fine based on the line when we got there. As we get to the front, there are only 5 people in front of me, when they call out "No more Expendables tickets, but here is a poster"....WTF??? Again with the low blow and I pass by Disappointment Avenue and go straight to Pissed Off Street.
This was an example when it's great to have friends that remain level headed and Rad did just that. He casually suggests that we go back for the signing and see if anyone who got a ticket is expecting Stallone and leaves the line. Great idea, so I do just that, I camp out right across from where they are signing and wait for them to show. Randy, Steve, and Terry walk right in front of me and the signing begins. I am probably 15 ft from them and snapping pictures furiously as security clears out the isle in front of me. As I formulate my plan to avoid security inevitably making me move and try to get a good pic of him as he leaves, I overhear the lady at the booth offer the signed poster to a fan in line who responds, "No Thanks, I got one already." For those keeping track, he is referring to the UNSIGNED one they handed out earlier that he is carrying and walks away. After picking my jaw up from the floor, I risk severe bodily harm by the huge military trained security guards, and step forward to the confused looking girl holding the poster standing behind a huge guard. "Can I have that?" I ask. The guard gives me major stink eye and I assume is plotting out his attack on me. "I mean if that dumbass doesn't want it, I do" I clarify. To my surprise, the huge guard, smiles at me, nods, and turns to the girl. She hands him the poster and he then turns and hands it to me. SCORE. I thank the big guy and walk away with the biggest smile ever.
As I move out of the crowd to protect my new treasure, Rad walks up and I share the story. As we laugh at the misfortune of the strange kid, the signing ends and the guys start their escorted walk to the exit. Apparently, my luck was not all used up yet, as they walk right by me. "Hey Randy, how you doing?" I ask as he walks by. "Doing good man, how are you?" he says as he smiles and walks over to shake my hand. Holy hell...first the poster, then the handshake? I didn't have a lot of time to talk to him, but it didn't matter, it was already the greatest day ever.
I would say that as each trip has provided some awesome experiences and chances to meet some very cool people, this year would rank as the best ever for me at Con. At first, this year looked like it was going to be another tough one as we missed seeing the Tron panel after waiting for a few hours on Thursday. There isn't any way I could put it in perspective as this room holds 6000 people, but metaphorically speaking, we were within 2 yards of the goal line, when time ran out and the ref blew the play dead. One word.... devastated. To get that close to the biggest panel room was just like a kick in the crotch after going 5 full founds. Ouch Town, population us.
Thankfully, that wasn't the theme of this trip and luck showed up late on Friday when Comic Con turned into UFC Con for me. Among other very cool things that happened, the highlight of the day was meeting Jens Pulver, Brandon Vera, and Randy Couture. More on Jens and Brandon in later posts, as this day was defined as Randy day. For those who don't know, Randy is one of my all time favs and this was his 2nd year at Con. Last time was to promote Scorpion King and I had no chance to meet him then. This time was for The Expendables (which I am super excited for by the way). There was a huge panel for the movie on Thursday that we missed that included the entire cast including Stallone and a surprise appearance by Bruce Willis, but on Friday there was a line to meet a few of the guys and get autographs. Only 3 were supposed to show, Terry Crews, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and The Natural. We got there early and right when the doors opened we ran to the booth and got in line. They told us 100 tickets would be given out and we would be fine based on the line when we got there. As we get to the front, there are only 5 people in front of me, when they call out "No more Expendables tickets, but here is a poster"....WTF??? Again with the low blow and I pass by Disappointment Avenue and go straight to Pissed Off Street.
This was an example when it's great to have friends that remain level headed and Rad did just that. He casually suggests that we go back for the signing and see if anyone who got a ticket is expecting Stallone and leaves the line. Great idea, so I do just that, I camp out right across from where they are signing and wait for them to show. Randy, Steve, and Terry walk right in front of me and the signing begins. I am probably 15 ft from them and snapping pictures furiously as security clears out the isle in front of me. As I formulate my plan to avoid security inevitably making me move and try to get a good pic of him as he leaves, I overhear the lady at the booth offer the signed poster to a fan in line who responds, "No Thanks, I got one already." For those keeping track, he is referring to the UNSIGNED one they handed out earlier that he is carrying and walks away. After picking my jaw up from the floor, I risk severe bodily harm by the huge military trained security guards, and step forward to the confused looking girl holding the poster standing behind a huge guard. "Can I have that?" I ask. The guard gives me major stink eye and I assume is plotting out his attack on me. "I mean if that dumbass doesn't want it, I do" I clarify. To my surprise, the huge guard, smiles at me, nods, and turns to the girl. She hands him the poster and he then turns and hands it to me. SCORE. I thank the big guy and walk away with the biggest smile ever.
As I move out of the crowd to protect my new treasure, Rad walks up and I share the story. As we laugh at the misfortune of the strange kid, the signing ends and the guys start their escorted walk to the exit. Apparently, my luck was not all used up yet, as they walk right by me. "Hey Randy, how you doing?" I ask as he walks by. "Doing good man, how are you?" he says as he smiles and walks over to shake my hand. Holy hell...first the poster, then the handshake? I didn't have a lot of time to talk to him, but it didn't matter, it was already the greatest day ever.
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