Friday, July 30, 2010

No apologies...

As my first official blog post, I pondered what to write about.  Several questions needed to be answered before I could commit to blogging.  Should I try and be clever or entertaining for any future readers? Should I just make it a simple statement that I have started a blog?  Should I have a theme?  Should I always try and be positive about things?  Should I hold back on any opinions or feelings that I may have?  Then it occurred to me, no apologies.  I decided that I will not apologize for anything I write about since you, the reader, have the choice to either read my opinions or not to read them.

I will probably write about several things here, cool places I go, cool people I meet, cool gadgets I buy, and most assuredly things that could be cool but actually annoy me.  Sometimes I will be positive, others negative, but that's life, and this is simply an outlet for me to express opinions that are mine alone no matter how they may come across to you.

So there you go, I will offer no apologies going forward for any content written here, with one exception.  I will apologize right now for the fact that the name of this blog "The Daily Dish" does not actually mean I will commit to write daily entries, it was simply a name that my lovely wife thought was cool.  I don't know how often I will find the inspiration to write something here, but that's the fun of it, to write when inspired.

So that's it, my first blog entry, the first of many I would assume.  I hope you enjoy some along the way.